I'm just me. I try to keep smile and try to be polite with everyone. I don't care what people judge about me. I just try to be my self ☺☺

Senin, 28 November 2011

Profil SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang

Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang
Status : Negeri
NSS : 20606814
Alamat Sekolah : Jl. Besi Raya Perumnas II Tangerang
Kelurahan : Cibodas Baru
Kecamatan : Cibodas
Kota : Tangerang
Provinsi : Banten
Kode Pos : 15138
Telepon : (021) 5565 7434
Fax. : (021) 5915311

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